Category Archives: Coarse Fishing Reports

When I’m not Yak Fishing I do Pond Fishing!

At times, when I’m free and I’m not yak fishing, I do go to ponds with my friends and brothers. Here are a few shots of pond fishing that was done recently.

Fishing at BTP making use of the $55 for 2 rods – 12hrs promo via coupon.

Here’s some shot of my brother enjoying his birthday rod gift that was ordered by his wife. Custom by me 🙂 We managed to give Dave’s GT & Barra pond a go on his birthday.

Wat-The-Fish, Aunties Pond Gathering 11/02/12

One fine day, I decided to pop by WTF forum and went into their chatroom. It was then the ever friendly guys did their friendly hellos and it told me there was one slot left for their simple yet fun gathering at Auntie’s Pond. After sounding out the idea with Sharon.. I decided to join the gang at the pond 🙂

I had my reservations on going pond fishing as for almost the pass 8years of pond fishing. It has proven that I won’t catch anything at all.. I call this the pond fishing curse for me. As I tend to catch more fish on my kayak. In any case, I will just go and enjoy myself.

As the days counted down.. the excitement grew and it was finally the day. The Saturday had arrived.. Along with Sharon, we picked up David and went to have our breakfast and meet up with all the rest of the guys.. One by one all of them came and we all had a hearty breakfast before heading off to the pond eagerly. To make it more interesting there was a side bet for the winner of the biggest catch and most catch for the day.

We arrived early and set up our gears.. and off we went.. it was not that long before the first fish was landed and more and more… Sharon & myself were unlucky as we both missed out on 2 fishes to start. However throughout the day, the curse was lifted.. We ended up with 5 Snappers in total and won the overall pool.. With both the biggest and most fish caught.

We were lucky that we had one member called Roland that came by to take photo for us that day.
You can view the full set of photos here

I’ve extract some photos from that album so please check it out 🙂

The Guys from WTF.

Sharon and her catch.

Myself with my Snapper

Sharon & me with another catch 🙂

Ninja work in process.

Me with Tommy.

Aili with one of the many snappers she caught as well.

Phoebe & Louis with a snapper as well.

Adam with his Seabass on a lure.. Well Done!.

Anyway to view more photos of the event, please visit Roland photo link as indicated above 🙂

Mathew Tan

A ladies night out

to Farmway 3. It seems that only the ladies were able to catch fish last night. We met up with Don & Michelle at the pond for some mid-week fishing.
My bait was been pestered throughout the whole night but nothing took it seriously. It seems that it was ladies night as the fish only got hooked up when the ladies held on to the fishing rod.

Here are the catches for the night.
Here’s Michelle with her Barra.

Here’s Sharon with her Tilapia! Monster!

Then the boys will not be outdone! Here’s Don with another barra!

However credits to the ladies for catching more fishes then the guys LOL!!!
Tightlines mates!

Mid Week De-Stress at Farmway 3 with my Fishing Buddy Don.

Following a couple of SMS and calls to laise a trip down to Farmway 3. The trip finally materialise last night! It was meant to happen on a Monday night but due to work committments, I had to cancel the trip. Sorry Don. Nonetheless we finally found ourselves there!

Don has been indicated to me over the week that his was itching for some fishing action. We managed to get the bait over the counter from the friendly operator that would assist you to land the fish should you hit any from that pond.

After giving Don some “secret advice” on fishing the area. He prep up our tackles and out went our baits.. Not long after.. Don got his first take!! After playing the fish for quite awhile and the Operator was no where to be found.. I went to find him personally and got him to release the fish safely after a nice photo was taken!

Just about then, one group of anglers decide to leave one of the hotspots in the spot. We took over the place and went into baiting mode.. I had a couple of bites, nothing that really took the bait. So I called for half time. Left my rod by the railing and went to get a coke! When I came back, some inconsiderate angler just parked himself right
in-front of my rod… Mind you it was ridiculous, he was using a boat rod + Avet reel at a pond. Not to mention the whole pond only had us 3 at that time!

I don’t see why it’s needed when I see people landing redtail cats with an Abu Revo size reel.. Maybe he was thinking he was at Tg.Pinang? But what I fuming mad was that he literally when Don was next to him by my rod.. Jump over the fence and fish there and parked himself for 30mins or more. However it was not meant for him and he left to the other side!

Soon it was chit chat time and we were about to leave when I finish explaining to Don how to use the naviconics on iphone. Just as I was done, I saw Don just climbing over the fence hastily and strike into the fish good.. I quickly told him off and ask them to keep on walking away from the structure. So as to guide the fish away!! I had the fish done me in 3 times due to them running into it. SO it was a vital lesson learnt!!

15mins later and one happy man!! Don expression on his face was priceless!
Here are some photos of the fight!

Happy Days Don!! So when is our next trip again LOL

Nelayan fishing!!

Woooo here I am at Jurong bird park at the $5 per rod Nelayan fishing pond. The rules are simple!! $5 for a rod,line and hook. Should the line break ur $5 is done!!

Catch as many fish with that $5!!
I’m here tonight with my bro & wife plus me and Sharon! It was quite a sight seeing fish landing left and right.

So down went my first try.. And soon enuff I had my first take! I managed to surface the fish however it took quite abit of technique to land the fish I successfully did it!!!!

However I had multi hits and lost.. It’s good fun nonetheless for a mid week session to Destress!!!

One thing for sure I will be back for more!





Coarse Fishing in UK

Here’s some Coarse Fishing Photos when I was in UK.
Mainly you get species from Carps, Tench, Roach, Perch, Breams and the exclusive Sturgeon.
Best part of coarse fishing would be to go out on the Pole.

Anyone anglers going there for long should always try out this style of fishing!!